Boom! We wanted to present some of our recent progress, so here’s a fresh demo!
We’re still keeping most of the final release music secret, but we’ve swapped out Snowfall for a lovely new song, and kept Astronoma.
Here’s what’s new in Vecribbon: Demo 2, now available on the Freebies page.
- A beautiful new tune, Vibrate, by Ash
- The “dip lag” issue previously discussed is now resolved, thanks to new character animation and tweaked obstacle shape.
- Brightness calibration screen added, so that you can tweak your Vectrex brightness perfectly for the game
- Brightness dynamic range has been reduced overall
- Optional “pre-button fireworks”. This is a slightly contentious one, as the game’s really designed so that you must learn the symbols and keep your eye on upcoming obstacles in front of Liv; rather than watch for a separate button cue and then pressing at the right moment (as with Guitar Hero-style classical rhythm games). However, we respect your desire to play the way you want to play, so if you prefer a more Guitar Hero feel, do try enabling the “button preview” to see the fireworks.
- Ability to turn off the parallax background, and/or the button flashes, for a cleaner and purer display if preferred
- Settings screen added, to toggle the above options as well as access the brightness calibration screen
- Some new effects for you to discover 😉
A Hint!
A note about Vibrate — the second half of the song is easier than it looks. This section tries to teach you the 2-button combo obstacles, but in a simple way; it will first have you press two single buttons, then have you press them together twice.
For example, in the section shown below — jump; dip; jump+dip; jump+dip — you must press 1; 2; 1+2; 1+2.